Expired Coupon Program

Did you know that families who live overseas in military duty stations can use coupons that have been expired up to 6 months? This helps many families put food on the table.

Where can I send coupons?

Fort Bragg has a section at ACS that will take coupons for you and even clip them to send overseas. If you are stationed at Fort Bragg you can take them to the 3rd floor at the SSC (Soldier Support Center). If you are not in the local area and would like to donate coupons to them, please message me at couponingmilitarywives@gmail.com, and I will give you the address you can send these to.

What coupons do they accept?

Newspaper coupons
Manufacture coupons
Online printed Manufacure coupons

***They do NOT accept store based coupons such as Target or Walgreens***